These two look innocent, don't they? Don't let those faces fool you.

I knew something was up, but wasn't figuring on it being so big.
I've wanted one of these for a very long time, figuring I'd never get it.

Yep, it's a Kitchenaid stand mixer. Not just any Kitchenaid Stand mixer. It's the Professional 600 6 quart 500 Watt Stand Mixer! In Pistachio! The colorI have wanted since I can't remember when!

I need to name her. I need to find recipes. I need to remember how to breathe. I can't wait to crank her up! Thanks Honey!
I love mine! In fact, I got it the Xmas that Ariel and I divorced and he had the nerve to asked me if I REALLY was going to take it with me! Give me a break! I want the attachments now :-)
yayayayay good man im so glad for yo ar mell me i guess since i get to eat it from it glorious bounty :)
We LUV ours! The Ol' Curmudgeon uses it all the time. Many of his recipes are posted on his blog:
Rumblings of a Curmudgeon
There are even a couple of indices - such as they are! So have some fun looking at some great recipes - and reading some very conservative rants!
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