Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I think it may be time...

Goodness so many things can change in 8 years. At the behest of my husband and dearest friends I'm writing again. There's so many stories to tell, things to catch you up on, rambling memories and ideas to share that I'm not sure what this will become. Blog, memoir, book, essays, who knows. I thank you for being along for the ride.
I'm not going to even attempt to put out a schedule of frequency. Some things will be hard for me to revisit. Most will be stories of adventure and life changes. There won't be a linear timeline in any way, that would be impossible for me. My brain is like that pinboard site. Ooooooh! That looks interesting and then, 2 hours later, you can't remember what you started out looking for. Squirrel!
Hold on to your hats, this will be a fun ride.

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